The Seventh District Recreation Council is made up of volunteers from your community. These are men & women who donate their time and individual expertise to the planning, operation and smooth flow of the programs run by the Recreation Council.
The Seventh District Recreation Council has a wide array of programs ranging from baseball, soccer, basketball, and Lego club. Working together these volunteers are able to offer extracurricular activities to the residents of the community that engage, teach and challenge boys and girls, adults and children alike.
If you are interested in volunteering for the Seventh District Recreation Council, Contact us for more info.
Seventh District Recreation Council MeetingsMeetings are held the 1st Wednesday of every month at 7:30pm @ Seventh District Elementary School Recreation Room. No meeting in January or July. Please reach out to council president if you would like to attend:
[email protected]All are welcomed and encouraged to attend!
Online RegistrationOur online registration is handled through Sports Connect. Click Register in the top right hand corner of this site.